Both Valley and Forde campuses are easily accessible by public transport, car, or bike. The Transport Canberra runs a connector bus between Valley and Forde campuses each morning and afternoon to make it easy for parents with one drop off or collection point.
Drop off times
Parents may drop Kindergarten to Year 12 students at school from 8.00am.
Please note, classrooms are not open until 8.30am and from 8.00am until 8.30am students are supervised in the playground by staff.
Because we were built to serve the local community, our campuses are part of the neighbourhood and many of our students walk to and from school each day too.
Bus and Light Rail services
School bus services are run by ACTION, QCity Transit and Transborder. Further information can be found at the following web sites:
- ACTION Buses
- QCity Transit (Formerly Deane's Buslines)
The Light Rail terminus is at Gungahlin Marketplace. This is an approximately 15 minute walk to the Valley Campus.