Pre-Kindergarten at Burgmann is a special year where your child has the opportunity to build upon the skills they have learned from their previous environments and prepare for the more formal years of schooling that will begin in Kindergarten.

Please note the following key information about Pre-Kindergarten 2026 at Burgmann:

  • The program runs full-time Monday through Friday, commencing Monday 12 January and concluding Friday 18 December 2026.
  • Operating hours are from 8.00am to 6.00pm. Parents are encouraged to ensure children arrive by 9.00am and are welcome to collect throughout the afternoon.
  • The core educational program is led by fully qualified experienced Early Childhood Teachers.
  • We have two Pre-Kindergarten classes – one at the Valley Campus and one at the Forde Campus. The programs run parallel, based on the same philosophy and offering a consistent experience to all of the students.
  • The program is approved for the Childcare Subsidy (CCS).
  • The program is guided by play-based learning principles, with a focus on school readiness.
  • Programs include direct instruction of early literacy and numeracy, alongside a strong focus on the development of gross and fine motor skills as well as social and emotional wellbeing.

Pre-Kindergarten Enrolment Process

Once you have completed the steps of your conditional offer of enrolment from Admissions, you will be invited to an enrolment meeting. This meeting is to learn more about your family and the specific needs of your child.

Should the conditional offer be confirmed following the meeting, an enrolment invoice will be emailed. The offer will be finalised once payment is received.

What’s Next?

In late November 2025, we will send you a formal questionnaire asking for further insight into your child and their development ahead of their start in January 2026.

You will also be invited to attend an orientation session in January, before the commencement of the program for 2026, where you can meet the educators working with your child, together with other families entering Pre-Kindergarten.

We encourage you to visit the campus your child will be attending by joining one of the scheduled school tours. This is an opportunity to see the Pre-Kindergarten and the Kindergarten – Year 2 areas, which will be the next stage of your child’s learning journey.

As your child’s enrolment progresses through the next steps, you will receive more details from the Director of Early Learning. In the meantime, we hope to see you at one of the tours and look forward to meeting you soon.

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